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There have been many different promotional materials produced for the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage while it is in the Archdiocese. Feel free to use these materials in prompting the full route of the pilgrimage and the Source and Summit Eucharistic Procession in your parish.
Offices: Archdiocese
Type: announcements
The Archdiocese was recently notified that the "Add to Calendar" download at the bottom of event pages may display the wrong event time. We apologize for the error and have removed the "Add to Calendar" feature for now. If you have used this feature, please double-check the start and end time of your event by visiting the Mission Support Events section. 
Type: announcements
Archbishop Hebda is asking all parishes to assist the Minnesota Catholic Conference in compiling data for a research study on the economic benefit that the Catholic Church provides across the state of Minnesota.
Type: announcements
ACC Office

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